2025 Special Events Funding Application
The Special Events Funding program is intended to provide funds to qualified event producers. The intent is to foster high-quality, equitable, inclusive, open-to-the-public events across all of Tacoma; it will also seek to help strengthen the capacity of producing organizations to find other sustainable funding sources for the future of their event(s). Selected event producers must submit a fully executed proposal, meet deadlines, criteria, and expectations of the program, put on the event described in their proposal, and provide an invoice and final report on the event as directed by the program staff.
Special Events Funding Tooklit
Refer to the Special Events Funding Toolkit below for more information on the Special Events Funding program and resources.
Special Events Funding Toolkit
TVE SkillShops
Tacoma Venues & Events has created SkillShops, an innovative series of workshops designed to empower event organizers with essential skills and resources to successfully plan and execute events in Tacoma. Available as a free resource, past SkillShops can be viewed online and include “Event Permitting Basics,” “Funding & Grant Writing,” and “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access in Events.”
TVE SkillShops
Permitting Basics
Funding and Grant Writing
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access in EventsEquity in Events Toolkit
As part of the City of Tacoma's dedication to anti-racism and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA), applicants also have access to resources such as the Equity in Events Toolkit, developed to support event organizers in creating welcoming and inclusive experiences for all. The toolkit provides practical guidance on how to incorporate DEIA principles into event planning, prepare for Special Events funding applications, and ensure that community events reflect and engage Tacoma's diverse population.
Special Event Funding Q&A Sessions
Do you have any questions about our Special Funding Program or need extra help on your application? We are hosting two Q&A sessions via Zoom:
For additional questions or feedback on the Special Event Funding Application, please reach out to communityevents@tacomavenues.org or call 253-573-2523
If translation services are required, please submit this form and a staff member will reach out to you via the email address provided:
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តើអ្នកត្រូវការព័ត៌មាននេះ ជាភាសាខ្មែរ ឬទេ?
Do you need this information in simplified Chinese?
Name of Event
Description of Event
Anticipated Date(s) of Event
Expected Attendance
Does the event activity take place in Tacoma city limits?
Location of Event
Organization Name
Organization Mission
Organization Website
Organization Mailing Address
Check All That Apply
Organization is a non-profit with any 501(c) designation (i.e. 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4))
Organization is a City-recognized Neighborhood Business District Association
Organization is a City-recognized Neighborhood Council group
You're an organized group of community volunteers. Submissions must come from an organized group, not an individual
You're a for-profit business wishing to produce an event, outside your normal line of business, for public benefit
You're an educational institution wishing to produce an event
You're a federally recognized tribe or Native non-profit
If you have selected non-profit with any 501(c) designation (i.e. 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4)), please attach IRS declaration.
Applicant Name
Applicant Title
Applicant Email
Applicant Phone Number
Contract Signer Name (if different than above)
Contract Signer Email (if different than above)
Requested Funding Amount (between $1,000 to $5,000) If awarded, how would Special Event Funding support this event?
Have you or do you plan to apply for other City of Tacoma funding resources for this event?
If yes, list the funding program and the amount requested/awarded.
Do you have additional funding to support this event?
Will it meet the $1:$1 match as required by the guidelines?
Special Events Budget Template
Download the budget worksheet linked below for the proposed event, or the portion of the event for which you seek funding. Provide Projected Income and Projected Expenses and upload below. Please note that the Total Projected Income must equal or greater to the Total Projected Expenses.
Upload it below before submitting your application.
Funded events must provide a specific public benefit to the residents of and visitors to Tacoma in exchange for the funding. Examples of public benefit include but are not limited to:
are accessible and available to all who wish to attend.
include components that are free to the public.
provide cultural experiences that are not otherwise available to residents of Tacoma.
collaborate with local community partners in which the event will be held.
provide special outreach to residents outside of the event location, e.g., schools, community groups, faith-based organizations, and cultural organizations.
Will the event, or components of it, be free and open to the public?
Describe free components of event.
Describe how your event will support activities that are accessible to all audiences, including individuals with disabilities.
Program merit is the extent to which your event's agenda is well-crafted, aligned with the mission of your organization, and provides meaningful experiences through participation in education, celebration, or performance.
Event Content: Provide a detailed description of the activities your event includes. Explain how those activities will provide a meaningful experience for your attendees.
Diverse Range of Activities: Explain how your event includes a variety of activities, sessions, or performances and how it will contribute to a rich and engaging experience for participants.
Community Involvement: Share detailed information about the performers, artists, speakers, or activities involved in your event. Discuss their qualifications, experience, and any notable accomplishments.
New Experiences: Explain how your event will introduce attendees to new activities, opportunities, or experiences they might not have tried before. Describe the unique aspects of these activities and how they will broaden attendees' horizons.
Addressing Specific Needs or Gaps: Explain the specific need or gap in experiences that your event aims to address and how participating in your event will meet this need or provide a valuable experience for attendees.
Community Impact measures the positive changes or contributions that an event brings to the community it serves. This includes both tangible and intangible effects on the local community or specific groups of people.
Community Needs: Clearly describe the specific community need your event aims to address. Provide context and evidence to support the identified need and why this need is important.
Community Benefits: Explain the various benefits your event will bring to the community including economic benefits, creative opportunities to local artists and performers, and social benefits, such as fostering community connections and enhancing social cohesion.
Targeted Community: Identify the specific community or demographic group your event is intended to impact, and why. Describe how the event will engage and involve this community.
Equity involves fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people, while striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. Panelists will consider in addition:
Diverse Planning Team: Describe how you ensure that your team of volunteers, board members, and staff reflect representation, diversity, and inclusivity. Explain the efforts taken to include diverse perspectives in the planning process, initiatives, and/or policies your organization follows to promote diversity and inclusivity in your planning team.
Designing for Inclusivity: Detail how your organization plans to design the event to accommodate all participants and the strategies you will implement to ensure inclusivity, accessibility, and a welcoming environment for everyone involved in the event.
Capacity to Present the Event demonstrates that the organization has the infrastructure, resources, and commitment to present the proposed event. These guidelines focus on various aspects to ensure the successful execution of the event.
Tracking and Metrics: Explain how you plan to track attendance at your event. Describe additional metrics you intend to use to determine the success of your event, such as participant feedback, engagement levels, media coverage, or social media activity.
Evaluation and Improvement: Describe how you collect and use feedback from past events to evaluate and improve future events. Highlight any lessons learned from previous events and how they will be incorporated into the planning and execution of your upcoming event.
Community Support and Partnerships: Describe the specific ways the community you are serving supports your event. Provide examples of community involvement, such as volunteer efforts, local business support, or promotional assistance. Include the roles these partners will play in the planning, promotion, or execution of the event.
Event Documentation: Include documentation of past events, such as reports, evaluations, testimonials, or media coverage. If the proposed event is new, provide documentation of other similar activities, programs, or initiatives your organization has successfully executed.
Funding Strategies: Explain how you are working on getting sponsorships, grants, donations, in-kind services, or other forms of revenue you plan to secure. Include a list of current sponsors and funders, and how they will support the event financially or through other resources.
All organizations receiving funding from City of Tacoma must carry basic Commercial General Liability Insurance. Depending on the size of your organization and the type of public programming your organization will be producing, you may be required to have additional insurance.
You don't need to show proof of insurance now, but if your proposal is funded, we will confirm the types of insurance that will be required, and you will need to secure any additional insurance needed and show proof of insurance as part of the contracting process.
If you have questions about insurance requirements, please contact Ashley Young communityevents@tacomavenues.org -
The City Event Services Program standardizes the distribution of City of Tacoma services and non-monetary support to benefit community special events beginning in 2025.
This program will be available to events that take place in the Public Right of Way. The Public Right of Way includes, sidewalks, streets, medians, or any City owned parks or plazas.
To be eligible to receive non-monetary support (personnel, equipment, or services), events must first be designated as either a Citywide Event or a City of Tacoma Sponsored Event through the special events grant funding application process.
Events must apply for a City of Tacoma Special Events Grant, meet all eligibility requirements, and receive a minimum of 60% of the overall available points (as scored by the CERC), including no less than 50% of the available points in each category. The events must also meet the following guidelines:
The event provides a benefit to the public or stimulates economic or cultural activity
A majority of the event is free to the public without admission or participation fee
The provision of City services will result in improved crowd control and public safety
The event meets the City’s Environmental Services Event Services Participation Criteria
The event would not typically be defined as an athletic, commercial, or free-speech event
All events must also submit a complete Special Event Permit Application including a professionally drafted comprehensive traffic control plan, if required, no less than 90 days prior to the event.
Individual event producers may have up to two events designated as Citywide Event and/or City of Tacoma Sponsored Event per year.
Complete the below form for eligibility to receive services for your event in 2025.
Would you like to apply for City Event Services?
Does your event meet all of the following criteria?
Event provides a benefit to the public or stimulates economic or cultural activity.
The majority of the event is free to the public without admission or participation fee.
City services for the event will result in improved crowd control and public safety.
Event meets the City’s Environmental Services Event Services Participation Criteria
Event is not typically defined as an athletic, commercial, or free-speech event.
Which event designation would you like to apply for?
Events designated as Citywide Events shall receive complimentary personnel, services, and equipment from applicable City departments to support the traffic and crowd control and public safety of the event on a City of Tacoma Public Right of Way.
Events designated as City of Tacoma Sponsored Events will be provided City-owned equipment on an as-available basis to support the traffic and crowd control and public safety of the event. City-owned equipment will be delivered to and picked up from a single point on the boundaries of the event with the event organizer responsible for setting and striking all equipment in alignment with the traffic control plan.
City of Tacoma Sponsored Events remain responsible for all costs associated with City of Tacoma personnel or other services.
City of Tacoma Sponsored
What use of the Public Right of Way will be requested for your event? Public Right of Way includes, sidewalks, streets, medians, or any City owned parks or plazas
Is this event is conducted by a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that operates from or provides services within Tacoma?
Attach declaration letter from the IRS. If you have uploaded you declaration page in section 4, you can skip this step
Identify if your event has one or more of the following characteristics
The event is expected to draw attendance of more than 10,000 spectators
The event utilizes no less than seven (7) city blocks
The event is a celebration of a local, regional, or federal holiday
What use of the Public Right of Way will be requested for your event? Public Right of Way includes, sidewalks, streets, medians, or any City owned parks or plazas
Are you one or more of the following?
Non-Profit Entity
Neighborhood or Community-Based Group
Business Group (such as chambers of commerce or business improvement areas)
Federally Recognized Tribe or Tribal Non-Profit
Group Not Related to a Geographic Base (such as racial or multicultural groups, LGBTQ+ groups, or a disability community)
By checking this box as an electronic signature, I agree to all the terms and conditions that may apply to the Special Event Funding or City of Tacoma Event Services process and agree that all information contained in this application is true and correct to my knowledge.