Special Events & Film Permits
Welcome to the City of Tacoma's Special Events Office! Whether producing an event or a film, the City's Special Events Office is here to assist you with all aspects of the permitting process.
Special Event Permit
Below you will find information to get started producing an event here. Begin by reviewing the information in this handbook and feel free to reach out. We are glad you are choosing Tacoma as a place to hold your event. Special Events staff are here to help navigate the permitting and planning process.
For any questions, please call our office at 253.573.2523 or email Ashley Young, Special Event Coordinator, at ayoung1@tacomavenues.org.
Special events can include concerts, parades, festivals, races, block parties, constitutionally-protected activities, and many more types of gatherings. A Special Event Permit is required when one or more of the following applies:
More than 50 individuals gather for an event activity.
A road or lane closure, whether a full or a rolling closure.
Use of any public right-of-way or City-owned park for event activity.
Use of public parking spaces for uses other than parking a vehicle.
Curbside food truck operation in a non-designated location.
For full details on permitting and to prepare to apply for a permit, download the Special Event Tip Sheet and checklist.
Master Film Permit
A Master Film Permit is required for any activity of filming, video taping or otherwise producing motion pictures for television or public exhibition at any place within the City, other than at or in an established motion picture, television or photography studio, unless such person has first been issued a film production permit by the Special Events Office.
Master Film Permits may be submitted within a week of production depending on the complexity of the project. The Tacoma Municipal Code specifies the guidelines for issuing Master Film Permits, as well as other requirements. You may want to review this chapter before submitting your application. Tacoma Municipal Code Title 11.10.
special event & master film permit Requirements
All applications are subject to internal department and external agency review to assess and make recommendations. Final issuance of a permit is subject to review, insurance provision, and payment of application fee. Applicants understand that applications may be denied processing for lack of information, conflict of interest, or conflict with other established events. Please review the additional information on minimum requirements and resources for events below.
Applications must be submitted at least 60 days prior to event. Constitutionally-protected activities also require a permit, which should be submitted at least seven days prior to event for review and issuance of permit.
Resources & general Guidelines
Depending on the size and location of the event, portable restrooms, trash and recycling receptacles may be required. The City does not provide portable restrooms.
Trash and recycling containers can be provided by the City’s Solid Waste department for a delivery and dumping fee.
Environmental Services may provide in-kind support for non-profit organizations, receiving a city sponsorship, for services such as garbage, recycling and portable toilets through the Green Events Program. Visit the Green Event & ES Event Support page for more information. Find out more by calling 253.591.5172.
Event producers are required to obtain any necessary permits to sell food and beverage that may be required by the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and alcohol from the Washington State Liquor Control Board.
Events held in City-managed public parks do not allow alcoholic beverage consumption. Some Metro Parks-managed facilities will allow alcohol service with a special use permit. Alcohol sales will require additional security and/or off-duty Tacoma Police Department (TPD) officers, as determined by TPD’s Special Events Sergeant at 253.591.5932.
Sales of food and alcohol may require a business license. Contact Tax and License at 253.591.5252.
For most events, the event organizer must possess or obtain comprehensive general liability insurance naming the City as additional insured in a combined single limit of at least $1,000,000. The certificate of insurance must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the event.
Block parties within residentially-zoned areas are not required to provide an insurance certificate.
Special Event Permit Application
Special Event Code
Green Event & Environmental Services Event Support
Banners Over Streets Code
Master Film Permit Application Form
Production of Motion Pictures Code
City of Tacoma Tax and License Application for Multiple Vendors
Tacoma Pierce County Health Department Temporary Food Establishment Guidelines
City of Tacoma Fire Department Operational Permits web page
Traffic Engineering Special Traffic Requirements
Generic Street Closure Traffic Control Plan
Google Maps website
City of Tacoma Geo Hub website -
For events using a park or a structure operated by Metro Parks, event organizers will contact Metro Parks directly to reserve the space.
The Foss Waterway Owners Association currently issues special events permits for the Esplanade properties. Call 253.985.3812 for information.
For further assistance identifying a particular park’s ownership, call the Special Events Office at 253.573.2523.
Applicants and organizers must comply with local noise laws. Unreasonable noise (including music) that is offensive to others may be required by law to cease during the event. Questions and further information about noise abatement should be directed to Craig Kuntz, Planning & Development Services Building Inspector at ckuntz@cityoftacoma.org, 253.594.7820.
Thorough notification of neighboring community within a reasonable radius will be conducted by the Special Events Office. A reasonable radius will be determined by the permitting authority based on the event size and impact to the surrounding area. Factors may include timing or length of the event, event footprint, community impacts (including sound, parking and traffic patterns), and pre and post-event activities.
Application fees vary based on attendance and whether the event is produced by a for-profit or non-profit entity. Additional costs may also be assessed, which include police services, waste management, and additional permits such as street occupancy or barricades. Fee Schedule.
For temporary food establishment rules and regulations, and how they apply for permits, contact the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at 253.649.1703.
This list of external resources is intended to give you a starting place for your event planning. It does not constitute recommended companies, or referrals. The City does not provide individual business referrals.
Traffic Control
For barricades, no-park signs and traffic control plans.The Hughes Group (253) 588-2626,info@hughesgroup.biz
National Barricade (206) 523-4045
Aabco Barricade 1 (800) 559-6212
TC Services (425) 746-1060
Altus Traffic Management (206) 878-0221
Portable Restrooms
If your event requires additional facilities, including accessible facilities.Honey Bucket (253) 448-3819
Hemley's (360) 373-0821
United Site Service (206) 832-3023
If your event requires tents or other temporary equipment, furniture, etc.Anna's Party Rentals (253) 341-4089
ABC Special Event Rentals (425) 493-6969
American Party Place (253) 473-3300
Party Rents and Tents (253) 939-6500
Film Production
Access to information about locations, production professionals, and equipment)4Washington Filmworks (assistance with site selection and production professionals)
(206) 264-0667
Washington Filmworks website -
Event organizers are encouraged to focus on sustainability when creating their event plans. The City’s Green Event Program encourages actions like walking or biking to an event, or the donation of excess food after the event to contribute to Tacoma’s ongoing sustainability efforts. Events that achieve Green Event Certification may be eligible for sponsorship of services such as garbage, recycling, and portable toilets. Events with more than 1,000 participants and events hosted by the City of Tacoma are required to participate in the Green Event Program. The City’s goal is to foster sustainable events with minimal impact on the environment. Learn more about the Green Event Program, including opportunities for in-kind event support, by visiting the Green Event & ES Event Support page.
Disposable Plastic Bags: Any organization, including street fair and festival vendors, that sells or provides merchandise, goods or materials, may not provide thin plastic checkout bags (less than 2.25 mils) and must collect a pass-through fee on recycled paper and other retailer provided checkout bags. Effective October 2021, Washington's Plastic Bag Ban law prohibits single-use plastic carryout bags and requires that vendors charge a fee for acceptable bags. Hot or cold prepared foods are exempt. More information.
Your event may require additional permits from Tacoma's Fire Department. Find out which permits your event must obtain by calling 253.591.5740, or by visiting the department's Operational Permits.
All event participants must adhere to applicable laws, rules and ordinances, even during street closures. Some events may require the presence of volunteer or paid traffic safety monitors. Instructions will be provided by the Tacoma Police Department Special Events Sergeant, 253.591.5932.
In some cases, event applicants will be required to hire off-duty police officers to monitor the event. Police fees range starting at $105 per hour, with a minimum of four hours per officer.
Organizations planning events that include sales including admission or ticketing fees, food & beverage or other vending, are required to call Tax and License at the City of Tacoma at 253.591.5252. For example, a multi-vendor business venture, such as a farmer’s market where many other businesses are participating, may require a special multiple-vendor business license.
Applicants are responsible for the creation of a traffic control plan (TCP), if it applies to their event. The Tacoma Police Department Special Events Sergeant will consult with the applicant to determine the safest street closure, right-of-way barricade, and/or other key pedestrian and vehicular changes. TCPs are submitted by the applicant to the City and are reviewed and approved by the Traffic Engineer.
Right-of-way includes the traveled portion of public streets and alleys, including the bordering area such as sidewalks, planted areas, traffic circles, and medians.
Barricades and no parking signs are not provided by the City. Link to resources.
Samples of TCPs can be found here.
Organizers with events that impact bus transportation routes will be contacted by the appropriate agency including Pierce Transit or Sound Transit.
Before you get started on filling out your application, you may want to check the Stay Informed page to find out what events are happening on what dates.
How much does it cost to apply for a special event permit?
The application processing fee depends upon estimated attendance and whether you are a for-profit or a non-profit entity. However, there may be other costs associated with your event. These costs may include, but are not limited to, police services, sanitation services, additional permits such as barricade and street occupancy. See Fee Schedules to determine your processing fee.
Is my application approved as soon as I pay the fee?
You may pay the fee at any time during the review process, but in any case, your permit will not be issued until the fee is paid. Your application will be approved following all reviews and approvals or passes from external and internal departments, and upon receipt of your certificate of insurance naming the City of Tacoma as additional insured.
Do I have to pay the application fee and provide the certificate of insurance when I turn in my application?
No. The certificate of insurance is required at least 30 days prior to the event. The application fee can be paid any time prior to the event, although the permit will not be issued until the fee is paid.
How long does it take to approve my application?
Varies depending on the size and complexity of the event.
What types of events require a permit?
A special event is any organized formation, parade, procession or assembly consisting of 50 or more persons and which include animals, vehicles, or a combination of those things who wish to assemble or travel in unison on any street that does not comply with normal or usual traffic regulation or controls, or on a public beach, or in a public park or plaza which is gathered for a common purpose under the direction and control of a person or organization.
Examples of special events: Concerts, parades, circuses, fairs, festivals, block parties, community events, fund-raising events, private parties, promotional events, marathons and running events, bicycle races or tours, constitutionally protected activities.
How long before my event do I need to turn in my application?
Optimal time for processing the application is at least 60 days prior, but no more than 2 years prior to the event date. Exception is an expressive activity, which allows a person or organization to file a permit application not less than 7 calendar days prior to the event date.
What's the maximum number of people I can have at my event?
No maximum number of event attendees is indicated in the code.
What is the minimum number of people that triggers the need for an event permit?
50 attendees or more triggers need for event permit
Do I need a business license to hold an event?
You do not need a business license if you are not conducting business. If you or your vendors are conducting business, you should contact the City's Tax & License department at (253) 591-5252 for more information and direction. -
There are many various types of locations from which to choose for your event. Contact our office at (253) 573-2523 if you would like assistance in finding the right location for your event.
What is a "fixed venue" as used in the event permit application?
A fixed venue is one in which an area is delineated for the use of the event and does not travel along a street or pedestrian pathway; examples are closed streets that do not involve a parade, public beach or park, a private property or parking lot.
Do I need permission from surrounding residents or businesses to have my event?
As an applicant/event coordinator it is your responsibility to notify residents and businesses within a "reasonable radius" of the actual event footprint; notification must address all impacts, sound, parking and traffic patterns, number of expected attendees, date, time, duration, and pre- and post-event cleanups. All notifications must list key contacts, as well as City permit issuer.
Define "reasonable radius".
Depending on the size of the event (factors include number of expected attendees, footprint, duration of event) you may be required to show proof of notification to residents and businesses within a 400 foot buffer of the event venue. Block Parties and Expressive Activities may require a reduced notification buffer.
Do I need a permit if I am having my event on private property?
You only need to apply for a special event permit with the City if you're event will be in the right-of-way--street closures, sidewalk obstruction, rolling closures, City managed parks and plazas.
Define of right-of-way.
includes the traveled portion of the public streets and alleys, as well as the border area, which includes, but is not limited to, any sidewalks, planting strips, traffic circles, or medians
If I want to close a street, do I have to provide my own barricades?
Yes, you must provide or rent barricades. See options listed on the Resources & Links page.
Where can I get barricades and no parking signs?
The City does not refer any particular business for this service. Private companies in the region provide no-park signs and street barricades for a cost. See options listed on the Resources & Links page.
If I want to close a street, do I have to hire police or private security?
If determined by TPD Special Events Sergeant, you will be required to hire either off duty police officer, if deemed necessary, or other as permitted by police.
Does the City provide barricades and no parking signs?
No, you must arrange for a private company to place no-parking signs, if applicable, and street barricades in the appointed locations.
When do I need to put out no parking signs if I am closing a street for my event?
In all cases, no-park signs must be placed in appointed locations at least 24 res (not including Sundays) prior to the street closure--i.e., placement of street barricades in the appointed locations. Some areas may require 48 hrs notice--the Police or Traffic Engineer will indicate which ones.
Are any City streets restricted from closing for an event?
The Special Events code does not restrict any streets to closure under the proper circumstances. Pierce Transit, the local bus transit service, may condition an application if it is unable to properly re-route buses due to a closure request. Residential street closures may be denied if a majority of abutting neighbors object to the closure. In any case, expressive activities (aka, protests) will be allowed to close streets, with the proper application and Police presence.
Who do I contact at Pierce Transit or Sound Transit about closing streets and/or rerouting busses?
If your event affects bus routes, you will be contacted by the appropriate Transit staff. All event permit applications are routed and reviewed by internal City departments responsible for a portion of the permit follow-up, as well as external agencies such as: Pierce Transit, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept., Sound Transit, Metro Parks, and the Foss Waterway Owners Association.
If my event is in a park and I already have a permit from Metro Parks, do I still have to apply for a City event permit?
It depends. If a City right-of-way will be used or impacted by your event.
Examples: A Metro Parks park is the site of your event, but you'll need adjacent parking blocked off to place portable restrooms, or if you want to close streets that surround the park property.
Do I need a City permit if I am holding my event on the Foss Waterway Esplanade?
The Foss Waterway Owners Association currently handles special event permitting for the Esplanade properties. You can contact them at (253) 265-3042.
Does the City notify surrounding neighbors of my event or do I have to do that myself?
No, the City is not responsible for the notification process. As an applicant/event coordinator it is your responsibility to notify residents and businesses within a "reasonable radius" of the actual event footprint; notification of which must address all impacts, sound, parking and traffic patterns, number of expected attendees, date, time, duration, and pre- and post-event cleanups. All notifications must list key contacts, as well as Special Events Office.
Examples of notification practices: Door-to-door verbal, signed petitions, postal mailed letters, temporary signage (must be removed immediately after the event).
Contact the Special Events Office for examples of notification letters. (253) 573-2523.
If I am holding a protest (constitutionally protected activity) do I still need to get a permit?
Yes. Permit applications for constitutionally protected activity events have 7 calendar days prior to actual event to submit application for review and issuance of a permit.
Define "block party".
Residential street closure, not open to the public, no admission fee, no food or beverage sales.
Define "constitutionally protected activity".
An expressive event or "constitutionally protected activity" means activity that is an exercise of rights protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, or Article 1, Sections 3, 4, 5, or 11 of the Washington Constitution. It includes but is not limited to political or religious activities. -
Do I need to have event insurance?
Typically yes. Please see below for what kind. Insurance waivers can be requested for expressive activity events, but an insurance quote or estimate is still required. Block parties within residentially zoned areas are not required to provide an insurance certificate.
What kind of insurance do I need to get?
Generally speaking and with some exceptions the event organizer/applicant must possess or obtain comprehensive general liability insurance naming the City as additional insured and certificate holder in a combined single limit of at least $1,000,000. This does not apply to block parties.
Where can I get event insurance?
Many insurance providers offer event insurance—search for "one day special event insurance" or consult an insurance agent for more information.
Can I get insurance requirement waived or excused?
Insurance waivers can be requested for expressive activity events, but an insurance quote or estimate is still required.
When do I need to provide insurance?
30 days prior to the actual event date.Block parties within residentially-zoned areas are not required to provide an insurance certificate.
Can I serve food or alcohol at my event?
Yes, and depending on the type of event you are holding, you may be required to obtain appropriate permits and comply with rules from the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department and from the Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB).
Generally speaking if your event is private (like a residential block party) and you are not selling food or beverages, you are not subject to restrictions by the Health Department or the WSLCB.
Can I sell food or alcohol at my event?
Yes. You will be required to obtain appropriate permits and comply with rules from the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department and from the Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB). If your event will be held in a City-managed public park, alcohol consumption is not permitted. If your event will be held in a Metro Parks-managed property you may be able to acquire a special use permit. Go to the Metro Parks website for more information.
Am I required to have security personnel if serving alcohol?
Yes. If required, you must hire either off duty Tacoma police officer(s), or approved private security personnel. For more information contact City of Tacoma Police Department Special Events Sergeant at (253) 591-5932.
Who do I contact at the Health Department?
Temporary permits for the serving and selling of food may be obtained from Tacoma Pierce County Health Department at (253) 649-1703.
Who do I contact at the Washington State Liquor Control Board?
Local WSLCB agent can be found by calling (360) 664-9878 or by going to the WSLCB website.
Can I sell food or alcohol at my event? Do I need a business license to sell items?
Yes. If you personally sell items at your event you may be required to obtain a business license from the City's Tax & License Department. They can be reached at (253) 591-5252 or by going to the Tax and License webpage.
Can I charge admission for my event?
Yes. If you opt to charge admission for your event you may be required to obtain a business license from the City's Tax & License Department. They can be reached at (253) 591-5252 or by going to the Tax and License webpage.
Can I charge vendors for spaces at my event? Do vendors at the event need a business license?
If you opt to have multiple vendors at your event you may be required to obtain a special multiple vendor license from the City's Tax and License Department. They can be reached at (253) 591-5252 or by going to the Tax and License webpage. -
Does the City provide Sani-cans or Porta Potties?
No, the City does not provide portable restrooms--as an event coordinator it is your responsibility to arrange for portable restrooms for your event.
Am I required to provide Sani-cans or Porta Potties?
Depending on the size of your event or the number of expected attendees, you may be required to provide portable restrooms. Use this helpful chart to determine the need at your event.
Where can I get Sani-cans or Porta Potties?
The City does refer directly to individual companies, but we suggest you Google Porta Potties, Portable Restrooms, Sani-Cans, in Tacoma to find out what your options are.
Does the City provide trash and recycling containers?
Yes, the City does provide trash and recycling containers for a delivery and dumping fee. Visit the Solid Waste Rates page for fees and schedules.
For more information about the environment and your event go to the Green Event & Environmental Services Event Support web page.
What programs are there to help me hold a sustainable event with minimal environmental impact?
The City's Green Event web page can help you decided if the Green Event Program is right for your event, or if your event is required to participate. The program provides tips on how to reduce waste and minimize environmental impacts. Review the web page and contact the Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability for more information.
You may also find useful information in the Washington State Department of Ecology Recycling Brochure.
Environmental Services
(253) 591-5172 -
How much does it cost to apply for a Master Film permit?
The application processing fee depends upon whether you are a commercial production company or a current student with appropriate identification. However, there may be other costs associated with your event. These costs may include, but are not limited to, police services, sanitation services, additional permits such as barricade and street occupancy. See Fee Schedules to determine your processing fee.
How long will it take to issue the final permit?
It is generally understood that film production has short lead times, and our office makes every effort to accommodate expedited processing. To that end, make sure you have all of your information complete before submitting your application. This includes your certificate of insurance, processing fee and confirmed shoot location.
Do I have to pay the application fee and provide the certificate of insurance when I turn in my application?
No. However, the fee and certificate of insurance are required prior to issuance of the final permit.
What if I am just shooting B-roll or taking still shots?
To decide if you will be required to obtain a permit call our office at (253) 573-2523 to discuss your plans. It only takes a brief conversation to determine the most appropriate next steps.
Do I need a City of Tacoma business license to film in Tacoma?
You may need to obtain the appropriate licensing. It is your responsibility to contact the Tax and License Department to review your requirements. Call (253) 591-5252 for more information and direction. -
When do I need to get a Temporary Place of Assembly permit?
When one of the following occurs:You are operating a large carnival, fair or festival (+100 participants)
When the venue in which your event takes place is not already a Place of Assembly
When the Assembly venue in which your event takes place has a temporary change of use or type, a temporary change in type of activity, a temporary increase in occupancy load, a temporary change in routes of exit from the venue, or a temporary introduction of an additional hazard, (e.g. candles, display of vehicles, performances that include pyrotechnics or fire.)
How do I get a permit application?
You may obtain a permit application by one of the following methods:Access Tacoma Fire Department web site and download the forms
Come to the Tacoma Fire Department Prevention Office at 3471 S. 35th St.
You may call the Fire Prevention Office at (253) 591-5740 and request a permit application be mailed or faxed to you.
The Fire Prevention Office is open, Monday -Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Also see: Permit Application Fees)
Note: Inspectors will not collect permit fees or permit applications in the field.
How often do I have to flameproof my fabric?
A certificate of flame resistance is valid for one (1) year when an item has been professionally treated and maintained as instructed. Tags indicating a product is inherently flame resistant are valid for the length of time specified on the tag by the manufacturer. (Also see: Flame Proofing & Combustible Storage Information Bulletin)
Can I flameproof my fabric or display materials myself?
No. Treating the item(s) yourself is no longer acceptable to meet the standards for Flame Proofing. You must have a professional treat your materials.When do I need a tent permit?
Tents over 200 square feet in area (e.g. greater than 10' x 20') and canopies over 400 square feet in area (e.g. greater than 20' x 20') require Fire Department permits. A tent is defined as a membrane structure with two or more sidewalls. If it has only one sidewall or no sidewalls, it is considered a canopy. (Also see: Tent & Canopy Information Bulletin)What kind of heater can I use in my tent?
"Mushroom type" propane heaters (e.g. upright heaters with a self-contained propane fuel source) and any other heaters designed so that the propane source is located inside the tent or canopy are prohibited. Heaters that operate with the propane fuel source located outside of the tent or canopy and the heated air is pumped into the structure (e.g. salamander heaters) are allowed but require a Fire Department permit. Heaters using flammable/combustible liquids (e.g. diesel) as a fuel source are not allowed inside the tent or canopy. If they are placed outside the tent or canopy a separate Fire Department permit is required. Electric heaters may be operated inside a tent and do not require a Fire Department permit.Note: This is also the case when using any portable propane heaters inside any Place of Assembly.
I need more propane for my cooking operation than my permit allows. What can I do?
Call the Fire Marshal's Office at (253) 591-5740 and request to speak to a representative of the Special Event Section. There are several criteria in the Fire Code, which if you are able to meet them, may allow you to increase the quantities of propane you are permitted to use for your cooking operation.My setup isn’t exactly like the floor plans I sent in along with my permit application. Is that a problem?
Your permit is contingent upon meeting the conditions attached to it. In this case the floor plans attached to the permit constitute a portion of the permit conditions. Any variation from them invalidates the permit. You may however call the Fire Marshal's Office at (253)591-5740 and ask to speak to a representative of the Special Events Section with regard to changes you would like to make to your floor plans. These changes will be considered by the Special Events Section prior to the event you are planning, right up until the day of the event. These changes may or may not be approved.I didn’t know that needed to have a permit until today and my event is scheduled for tonight. Can I still have my event?
An inspector from the Special Events Section of the Fire Marshal's Office is required to approve your event. If this is the first time you have applied for a permit AND an inspector is available, we will try to accommodate you as best we can. This is not a guarantee that your event will be approved. If an inspector from the Special Events Section is available to look at the plans and/or the site for the event, all pertinent Fire Code requirements must still be met before the permit can be approved. Applications received 3 business days or less prior to the event may not be processed and the permit not issued.I want to display a vehicle at my event. Are there any restrictions?
Yes, a liquid or gas-fueled vehicle or equipment can be displayed in a Place of Assembly under the following conditions:Maximum fuel: 1/4 of a tank or 5 gallons whichever is less.
All gas covers shall be taped or have a locking type gas cap.
Battery cables shall be disconnected and taped.
Vehicles with no fuel gauge or with broken fuel gauge shall not be allowed on the event floor and shall not be displayed, unless a representative of the Fire Marshal's Office gives prior approval.
For more information, please call the Fire Prevention Office at (253) 591-5740 Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm, and ask to speak to a representative of the Special Events Section.