We made the past TVE SkillShops recordings, slide decks, and resources available for you to reference back or re-watch!
Event safety & Security
October 21, 2024
Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Access in Events
August 19, 2024
Funding & Grant Writing | July 15, 2024
For more information:
Ashley Young
Special Events Coordinator
Tacoma Venues & Events
ayoung1@tacomavenues.org -
For more information:
Bruce Skinner
Executive Director
Washington Festival & Events Association
bruce@wfea.org -
For more information:
Mike Gommi
Economic Development Specialist - TourismPierce County Economic Development Department
Event Permitting Basics | June 17, 2024
Question: When will I know I am good to plan my event?
Answer: Permits are reviewed in chronological order and are typically issued 15-30 days before the event date. Once all of your documents have been submitted for review, a staff member will contact you if there are any concerns or issues that need to be addressed.
Question: How much do permits cost?
Answer: The application processing fee depends upon estimated attendance and whether you are a for-profit or a non-profit entity. Special Event Permit fees begin at $50 for non-profits and neighborhood block parties and can increase to up to $175 depending on the type of event.
However, there may be other costs associated with your event. These costs may include, but are not limited
to, police services, sanitation services, additional permits such as barricades and street occupancy.
See Fee schedules to determine your processing fee.
Question: How to I apply for an event permit and what is all required?
Answer: Applicants can apply through the Accela permit platform. When applying for a permit, be sure to have the details of your event ready to provide such as requested right-of-way location and anticipated closure times. Additional items needed for approval may include, insurance, Traffic Control Plans for the use of the right-of-way, and site maps.
Question: What does a Special Event Permit allow for and what other requirements are there for hosting a Special Event?
Answer: A Special Event permits the holder to hold an event in a City of Tacoma right-of-way. That is the traveled portion of the public streets and alleys, as well as the border area, which includes, but is not limited to, any sidewalks, planting strips, traffic circles, or medians. It s also for use of city-owned parks or plazas. Other permits and licenses may be required, such as occupational permits from Tacoma Fire, Special Use Permits from Metro Parks Tacoma, business licenses, and appropriate health department and liquor control permits/licenses.
Question: Do I need Tacoma Police Department officers at my event?
Answer: It is based on the size of the event, alcohol availability, type of event function or other impacting circumstances. Having Police Officers does not always take the place of security depending on the type of event.
- If a public arterial will be blocked off, Police Officers are typically required, along with a Traffic Control Plan .
Question: How expensive is it to hire Tacoma Police Officers?
Answer: The market rate at this point starts at $125/hr with a 4-hour minimum. Late notice, weekends/holidays can impact the willingness of officers to be available and can impact the rate as well.
Question: How do I go about getting Tacoma Police Officers at my event?
Answer: Currently the best way is to email me at jmills2@cityoftacoma.org or tpd-events@cityoftacoma.org
Necessary information would include:
- Point of contact for the day of the event as well as billing
- Type of/expected services (site security, traffic control, etc)
- Date of the event, anticipated hours to staff
Question: Can I hire security or another Police Department to staff my event?
Answer: Unarmed security can be hired for an event. If armed security or police services are requested, the Tacoma Police Department has first right of refusal. If Tacoma Police Officers are unavailable, I can facilitate conversations with neighboring departments.
Question: What is a public right of way?
Answer: The public right-of-way is typically an easement over the land of the abutting property owner. According to our TMC 8.30.020, public right-of-way includes the area of land, the right to possession of which is secured by the City for right-of-way purposes and includes the traveled portion of the public streets and alleys, as well as the border area, which includes, but is not limited to, any sidewalks, planting strips, traffic circles, or medians.
Question: What signs or barricades are required for a Special Event?
Answer: Depends on the location and impact of the Special Event. There are three types of barricades - no parking signs, street parking, and meridian vehicle barriers.
Question: Why is a traffic control plan important?
Answer: To ensure the safety of event participants, as well as all vehicular and pedestrain traffic around the event.
Question: Why is general liability insurance required for special events?
Answer: General Liability insurance is necessary to protect the City of Tacoma against loss from liability imposed by law for damages on account of bodily injury and property damage arising from the special event.
Question: Can insurance requirements be waived for my special event?
Answer: Generally, no. However, the City's Risk Manager may authorize waiver of insurance requirements for a limited number of events. For more information, please see TMC 11.15.170.
Question: How long before my special event do I need to submit proof of insurance?
Answer: A Certificate of Liability Insurance covering the date(s) of the special event and corresponding endorsements must be received by the City at least 30 days before the special event
Question: Where can you obtain the permits needed by Tacoma fire department for your event?
a. Go to the Tacoma fire department website.
i. Go to Quick links and select Get fire permits.
ii. You will then have three selections to choose from
1. Assembly- this has the outdoor and indoor booth permits.
2. Special Assembly permits
3. Fire Works permits.
b. You can email us at tfdseo@cityoftacoma.org
c. You can call us at 253-591-5740
d. You will then need to fill out the application and email it to tfdseo@cityoftacoma.org
30 days before your event.
Question: Billing
a. The price of each permit is located to the right of the permit on the website.
b. If you have multi day events, you will need one permit for the multi day events for the summer.
c. If you have a 501C Non-Profit, we can wave some of the fees for permits.
d. If your event is during normal business hours permit fees are reduced
Question: When will we receive the permits?
Answer: An inspector will normally come 30min before the start of the event to do the inspection, and then they will meet with the responsible party of the event to hand the permits over and discuss any corrections that need to be correct.
Question: Do I need a business license?
Answer: If someone is handing you money in the City of Tacoma you most likely need a business license. The Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC) has a lengthy description of "Engaging in business" TMC 6A.30.030 However, for special events there is a temporary license a promoter can get for the entire event for $5 per vendor per day. (Farmers are exempt if you only sell what you can eat)
Question: How fast can I get a business license?
Answer: A regular business license may be obtained in one day. A special event - multiple vendor license requires 3 days prior to the event.
Question: Do I have to pay tax?
Answer: If you are part of a multiple vendor special event (retail sales/temporary license) you are exempt from tax. Admissions tax would be required if your event is charging admissions. If you have a regular business license and gross more than $250,000 a tax return is required. If you are from out of state but have a business license you must meet two thresholds (more than $250,000 a year and more than $20,000 in Tacoma before any B&O tax would be due).
Question: Who is required to have a temporary food establishment permit?
Answer: Anyone selling, sampling, or giving away food or beverages to the public is required to have a temporary food establishment permit. Event coordinators must ensure that they are only allowing approved and permitted food vendors to operate at the event.
Question: How far in advance should someone submit their application?
Answer: Applications must be submitted at least 14 days before the event in order to avoid a late fee.
Question: How do I apply for a food permit?
Answer: You can apply for your permit in person at our office, via mail, or on our website at https://tpchd.org/healthy-places/food-safety/temporary-events/
Question: What is the best way to reach someone?
Answer: Technical staff are available for in person consultations Monday- Friday from 8am-4pm. Staff are unavailable from 12-1 for lunch. Questions can be answered via phone by calling 253-649-1703.
Question: Can I prepare food that will be served to the public in my kitchen at home?
Answer: All food served to the public must be made in an approved kitchen or onsite at the event. Food may not be made at a private residence. Most food vendors require access to a commissary kitchen for advance food preparation and dishwashing.
Question: How long does it take for an application to be processed?
Answer: We request the application and fees to be submitted to the LCB 45 days prior to the event.
If you are having an outdoor event and want minors and alcohol to co-mingle in the enclosed space, this process takes longer than an application, fees and addendum used need to be received 60 days prior to the event.
Question: Where can I purchase alcohol for my event, and can I get alcohol donated?
Answer: Alcohol for special occasion events must be purchased from one of the following:
- Beer, wine or spirits distributor
- Brewery, winery or distillery
- Certified of Approval Holder who can ship directly to Washington retailer
- Liquor store (at retail price)
You may know advertise or sell beer, wine or spirits below cost. Alcohol cannot be complimentary or free at a special occasion event.
Question: Can I have an event with a Special Occasion License at a liquor licensed premise?
Yes. You can have a special occasion license at a liquoir licensed premises. However, you must obtain a signature from the licensee, or manager of the licensed location indicating that they understand that the liquor licensee cannot sell alcohol at the event. The signature must be on your special occasion application.
Question: Can a nonprofit organization partner with a promoter and allow the promoter to sell tickets for the event that includes alcohol?
Answer: No. A special occasion license allows only the nonprofit to sell alcohol, not a promoter. A promoter may sell tickets to an event as long as the tickets do not include alcohol. The promoter may not inlcude alcohol in the ticket and give the nonproft the alcohol portion of sales. This is considered selling alcohol without a license.
Question: Can I hold an event outdoors with alcohol?
Answer: Yes, you can have an event outdoors. The area must be fully enclosed with a minimum barrier of 42 inches. A map must be submitted along with application showing the barriers and where alcohol will be served, along with vendors or food trucks, exits/gates, and security.
Question: What does it mean to be a “Green Event”?
Answer: Green Events in Tacoma are free and open-to-the-public events that incorporate sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact. Practices might include waste reduction, recycling, energy conservation, and encouraging public transit. Events that apply and receive Green Event certification are supported and celebrated by the City of Tacoma for taking extra care to have a more sustainable impact to our environment.
Question: Who can apply to receive Green Event certification?
Answer: Large scale events (more than 2,000 expected participants) that meet the below criteria are required to apply and receive Green Excellence certification.
- Event using contributions from the City (monetary or in-kind)
- Events on City property or using a rightof-way permits
- Events providing food, beverage, and/or giveaways (vendor-related)
Question: What are the benefits of being a Green Event?
Answer: The primary benefit is to be more environmentally friendly for our shared community. A secondary benefit is, if eligible, to receive sponsored services from Environmental Services in waste management, garbage and recycling, compost bins or dumpsters, and portable toilets.
Question: What is not part of the Green Events program?
Answer: The Green Events program is NOT just a "way for events to get free stuff". Our office receives a number of applications each year that do not sufficiently explain how their event intends to have a sustainable impact on our environment. We also receive applications for eventa that do not follow through with the commitments laid out in their application.
Question: What are the requirements for applying and where can I learn more?
Answer: Applications for Green Event certification and ES Event Support must be received at least 30 days prior to the event date. Applications received less than 30 days prior to the event will not be considered. To be eligible, events must be entirely free and open to the public. Ticketed, paid, or private events will not be considered. More information is avaliable at cityoftacoma.org/greenevents.